Advisory for Changemakers.

Strategy | Communications | Partnerships | Campaigns


About BB

Positive change

BB Partners is an advisory for changemakers. Whatever industry you work in, there is space for doing good. We help our partners transform the world for the better through:

  • Strategy
  • Campaigns
  • Communications and PR
  • Partnerships

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Tight, quality teams make impact. We handle the major moments, the day-to-day, and everything inbetween.

About BB

Founded by women

In a world facing more challenges than ever, we know that a new type of leadership is important. Our leadership breaks all the stereotypes of old-school entrepreneurship.

We’re founded and led by women, and we’re determined to play our small part in transforming the world of communications.

We’re based in London but we’re not constrained by the Westminser bubble. We have consultants across the UK, advising partners all over the world, in eight different languages (and counting).

If you or your organisation have ever felt that you don’t quite fit the mould, you may well find your perfect home with us.

“Working with BB Partners Quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip
ex ea commodo consequat. ”

Name Surname / Director of Growth for XYZ

Contact Us

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Temple Avenue, 3-7, London, England GB

0123 456 78910